Business FAQs
Since 1985, businesses have trusted Bononi & Company, P.C., with all of their business needs. Trust us when you need high-quality, experienced legal advice. Here are some of the frequently asked questions our lawyers receive about this area of law:
How Do I Get An Employer Identification Number (EIN Number)?
You have a few ways to do this. Our team will assist you as part of your personalized business formation. You can also contact the IRS directly to request business tax information by phone or on their website. Let our team guide you through this process to make sure no steps are missed.
What Is The Difference Between An Independent Contractor And An Employee?
The answer to this question is a complex one. It can also change based on the agency or taxing body that you are dealing with. Generally, the default position for someone who is being paid is as an employee. However, to be an independent contractor, the individual must be free from control or direction over the duties performed, and the services being performed are customarily an independently established trade, occupation, profession or business. Our team has the experience to provide you and your business answers to your complex questions.
What Is Business Succession?
This is a plan that is created for the situation when a business owner passes away or retires. This plan dictates what will happen with a business and its employees. A personalized succession can be accomplished with our team of attorneys, accountants and professional staff.
What If My Business Wasn’t Paid?
You have many options regarding the nonpayment of money to your company. You can sue at a local magistrate, state court or federal court. You can hire an experienced firm to collect the debt for you. Our firm can collect from a company that has filed for bankruptcy. Our firm has experience in navigating the difficult world of collecting money owed to your business. You can trust that you will receive advice that you can rely on.
I Want To Sell My Business. How Can I Do This?
The process is different depending on the type of business organization you have. There are many questions that need answered, and the advice for the sale will be very personalized. You need a team that can help you navigate not only the legal pitfalls in the sale of a business, but the tax and accounting pitfalls as well. We are uniquely positioned to provide all of the legal and tax advice a business deserves and expects.
Contact Us
If you need to speak with a lawyer about starting a business, selling a business, tax law or another important legal matter, we are pleased to offer our assistance. Call our Greensburg, Pennsylvania, law office at 724-832-2499 or contact us online for assistance.
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