Do I Need A Lawyer For A Car Accident That Wasn’t My Fault?

I’m never going to say that you need a lawyer for a car accident. But, I will say that you are probably better off with a  lawyer helping you.

Just because an accident wasn’t your fault doesn’t mean that the insurance company won’t try to blame you. Who is at fault is only one issue. The other issue is what we call “damages.” 

When we talk about damages, we’re talking about what monetary compensation makes you whole again. So, even if everyone agrees you weren’t at fault, that doesn’t mean that an insurance company is going to want to give you every cent you deserve.

Being an attorney that handles car accident cases, I can talk with my clients about what fair compensation is, what issues exist in their cases, and how to make their case as strong as possible.


If you have any questions about the topic discussed in this article, or any other legal matter, please give us a call at Bononi & Company 724-832-2499.