Can Child Custody orders and Visitation Arrangements Be Modified?

In Pennsylvania, child custody is generally always modifiable.  That’s not to say that a child custody order will necessarily change when anyone requests it.  However, it does mean that a party can request to change an order for any reason.  

Sometimes, orders need to be looked at again because of a big change, such as a party losing his or her housing or new circumstances in the home.  However, often, child custody orders just need to be re-examined because the children are getting older and their needs are changing.  

If you have a custody modification question or are thinking about whether you may want to modify your child custody order in some way, please feel free to call my office and schedule an appointment.


If you have any questions about the topic discussed in this article, or any family law matter, please give us a call at Bononi & Company (724) 832-2499.