Halloween may be even spookier for drunk drivers

There is never a good time to drink and drive. After all, if your blood alcohol concentration is above Pennsylvania’s 0.08% legal limit, you may face a variety of legal and other consequences. Still, your odds of a DUI charge and subsequent conviction are likely higher on certain days than on others. Halloween is one such day.

Many law enforcement agencies in the Keystone State participate in the Halloween Impaired Driving Prevention campaign. As such, there are likely more officers looking for drunk drivers on Halloween than on other evenings. In past years, the enforcement measure started about a week before the Halloween holiday and continued until the day after.

Understand the risk 

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration reports that nearly half of all traffic and pedestrian fatalities on Halloween in recent years involved drunk drivers. Further, roads and walkways may be busy places on October 31. Therefore, if you plan to drink on Halloween, you should understand the risks of trying to drive.

Develop a strategy 

There is nothing wrong with putting on a costume and attending a party to celebrate Halloween. If you intend to consume alcohol, though, you need a strategy for arriving home safely. Choosing a responsible designated driver is a good option. Also, you may decide to take a cab or rideshare.

Do not chance a DUI 

Even if you do not feel drunk, your BAC may be too high for you to be legally sober. While it is never a good idea to drive buzzed, doing so on Halloween may be more of a risk. With increased patrols, you are apt to encounter a police officer on your way home.

Halloween should be both fun and safe. By committing to not drinking and driving, you do your part to ensure the evening does not end in disaster. You also avoid the serious criminal and other consequences that come with a drunk driving charge.