What is a Ghost Gun? Are they Legal to Own?

A ghost gun is a gun that has no serial number and is untraceable. They are typically assembled from different gun parts bought individually or were bought as a kit to be assembled. Manufacturers do not traditionally put serial numbers on gun parts. Speaking with police officers, there has been an increase of ghost guns that have been used in crimes. Ghost guns are often used by people that can’t legally buy a firearm. Instead of buying a gun, they found a loophole where they can buy the parts and make a gun.

As of today, Ghost Guns are not illegal statewide in Pennsylvania. However, legislation is making its way through Harrisburg to outlaw Ghost Guns. I would expect that at some point, there will be a ban.

Some municipalities, such as Philadelphia,  have passed ordinances making it illegal to possess a Ghost Gun.

If you have any questions about the topic discussed in this article, or any other legal matter, please give us a call at Bononi & Company 724-832-2499.