How Long Does it Take to Obtain A Decree in Divorce in A Simple, No-fault Divorce With No Marital Assets or Liabilities?

no-fault divorce

How long does it take to obtain a Decree in Divorce in a simple, no-fault divorce with no marital assets or liabilities?  

When both parties consent to a divorce and there are no assets to divide, the parties can consent to a no-fault divorce, under 3301(C) of the PA Divorce Code.  Pursuant to this section, one party can file a one-count divorce Complaint, and serve the other party with the Complaint.  

Thereafter, the parties must wait 90 days from the service of the Complaint, and then execute additional documents that must be filed with the Court indicating their consent to the issuance of the Decree. 

Finally, upon the request of either party, the Decree will be issued.


If you have any questions about the topic discussed in this article, or any family law matter, please give us a call at Bononi & Company (724) 832-2499.