The amount of debt a person has can significantly affect his or her life. Some Pennsylvania residents may have minimal credit card debt and have mostly good debt otherwise, like a mortgage or auto loan. On the other hand, some individuals may be struggling with outstanding debt to the point that they are facing a lawsuit from creditors.
A notice regarding a lawsuit of any kind can immediately bring about feelings of stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, if someone who owes a considerable amount of debt does not find a way to work with the creditor to repay that debt, being sued is a possibility. However, that does not mean that the person is immediately required to repay the debt. It does mean that the person needs to respond to the notice.
In some cases, lawsuits can come about that are incorrect. For example, a person may have already paid off the debt but still receives notice about being sued. Another issue is that the creditor may be attempting to sue for the incorrect amount of debt or that the statute of limitations to collect on that debt has already passed.
Even after receiving a notice of a lawsuit from creditors, individuals do not have to feel without hope. As mentioned, extenuating circumstances may exist that make the lawsuit invalid, or other details could result in the person having more options. As a result, Pennsylvania residents who have received a notice regarding such a lawsuit may want to contact experienced debt relief attorneys for assistance and information.