Many Pennsylvania spouses try hard to fix a marriage that is beset with difficulties. Whether they are also parents of a child or simply want to try harder to save a lifelong commitment, many people put in draining work to keep their marriage intact. Sometimes that work in counseling or changed behavior pays off and couples stay together. For others, however, divorce can be a better option for each partner’s happiness and future.
The concept of a “failed marriage” may keep couples together even when they would both prefer to be apart. This can also be the case for social pressures to show dedication to the partnership or celebrate their years together. However, people can reexamine the concept of a failed relationship. Sharing love, even when it ends, does not need to be considered a failure, just a stage of life that is subject to change and development.
Divorce can carry with it a great deal of emotional pain for everyone involved. However, parting before bitterness or resentment develops can help people to keep a healthier co-parenting relationship as well as providing a friendlier space for mutual engagement by loved ones.
Even for couples with children, sometimes divorce can be a better option than staying together. Children can have a much better experience with happy parents living apart than when the parents stay together but continue to argue. Witnessing resentment between parents can be extremely difficult for children and teach problematic lessons about future relationships. Even in the most amicable of divorces, however, legal counsel can be a valuable resource. Working with a divorce attorney can often help to make a split less contentious and more orderly.